On-site registration

Field registrations are another reason hold a wedding on our territory. You will not have to jostle in a crowded registry office in wedding dresses. Your guests will not be bored waiting for the ceremony. You will not have banal photos with a crowd of unknown foreign guests in the background. Instead, you will have a personal celebration, with your closest people. There are many picturesque places on the territory of our hotel, and inside there are many halls with a luxurious interior. You only have to choose a place. And we will provide all the technical equipment of the procedure ourselves.

For the organization of on-site registrations at the Villa ArtE hotel, please call: 8 (423) 238-44-44

and 8 (423) 238-37-50.

And after registration, you can celebrate this solemn event in our restaurant. Call by phone: +7 (908) 993-11-33 and 8 (423) 238-58-59


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